A way to test electromagnetic field and spacetime properties around black holes is by considering the dynamics of test particles. In fact, in real astrophysical scenarios, it is hard to determine spacetime geometry which is dominating due to degeneracy gravitational effects in parameters of gravity theories. In this work, we study for the first time the dynamics of spinning particles that have magnetic dipole moments around Schwarzschild black holes immersed in an external asymptotically uniform magnetic field using the Mathisson-Papapetrou-Dixon (MPD) equation. There are two combined interactions: gravitational interaction between the spin of the particle and (electro)magnetic interaction between the external magnetic field and the magnetic dipole moment of the particle to be taken into account. First, we derive the effective potential of the test spinning magnetized particles in motion around the black hole. We also study the combined effects of spin and magnetic interactions on innermost stable circular orbits (ISCOs), the energy, and angular momentum of the particles at ISCO together with superluminal bounds. We investigated the collision of the particles and evaluated the center-of-mass energy in the collisions. Finally, we consider various cases in which neutron stars and rotating stellar mass black holes can be treated as spinning magnetized particles, evaluating the effects of the spin and magnetic moment of objects around supermassive and intermediate-mass black holes. It is also found that magnetic interaction effects are much larger than spin ones in the case of a neutron star orbiting a supermassive mass black hole, while for the case of a neutron star and intermediate-mass black hole system, the effects are comparable where the magnetic field value is larger than 20 G for typical neutron stars and this value for the system with rotating stellar mass black holes is about 280 G.
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One of the eminent generalizations of theory of general relativity is the Rastall gravity which was constructed based on the assumption of the non-conserved energy-momentum tensor of the matter field. Despite in the literature several solutions of black holes in the Rastall gravity coupled to the electromagnetic field have been presented, in the current paper we argue that the Rastall gravity with non-conserved energy-momentum tensor (with λ ≠ 0 and R ≠ 0) cannot couple to the electrodynamics, i.e., the electromagnetically charged black hole solution cannot be obtained in this case. This statement is adequate for both linear and nonlinear electrodynamics with the electric, magnetic, or dyonic charges coupled to the Rastall gravity.
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We study accretion tori and proto-jets in the field of central Kerr super-spinning attractors, exposing distinctions between Kerr naked singularities (NSs) and black holes (BHs). We focus on the spacetime regions very close to the central singularity, interior of the ergoregion, especially for slowly spinning NSs, where repulsive gravity effects emerge, discussing the causal structure in relation to tori contained, partially contained and confined in the ergoregion. We explore particularly regions close to the attractor rotational axis and the poles, where very slowly spinning tori, with momenta ℓ ≈ 0, and axial cusp, constrained by the light surfaces, are relevant. Proto-jets (constraining jet emission) proved to be a signature in comparison with BH case, pointing out the emergence of very fast spinning tori in the ergoregion, very slow tori, double tori with internal cusp, and the presence of an axial cusp. The accretion disks properties point out very faster spinning attractors (extremely super spinning NSs). Providing distinguishable physical characteristics of jets and accretion tori, the differences between the BH and NS accretion scenarios, emerging from this analysis, constitute astrophysical tracers distinguishing NSs from BHs, and possible strong NSs observational signature of the primordial Kerr superspinars predicted by string theory.
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We present a model of a slowly rotating Tolman VII (T-VII) fluid sphere, at second order in the angular velocity. The structure of this configuration is obtained by integrating numerically the Hartle-Thorne equations for slowly rotating relativistic masses. We consider a sequence of models where we vary the parameter $R/R_{mathrm{S}}$ , where R is the radius of the configuration and $R_{mathrm{S}}$ is its Schwarzschild radius, representing an adiabatic and quasi-stationary contraction by progressively reducing the radius while keeping the angular momentum and gravitational mass constant. We determined the moment of inertia I, mass quadrupole moment Q, and the ellipticity ɛ, for various configurations. Similarly to previous results for Maclaurin and polytropic spheroids, in slow rotation, we found a change in the behavior of the ellipticity when $R/R_{mathrm{S}}$ reaches a certain critical value. Based on our analysis for the T-VII solution, we found variations of $mathcal{O}(10%)$ in the $I-mathcal{C}$ and $Q-mathcal{C}$ relations, and $mathcal{O}(1%)$ variation in the I - Q relation, with respect to the universal fittings proposed for realistic neutron stars (NSs). Our results suggest that the T-VII solution can be considered a rather good approximation for the description of the interior of NSs.
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Already in the cornerstone works on astrophysical black holes published as early as in the 1970s, Ruffini and collaborators have revealed the potential importance of an intricate interaction between the effects of strong gravitational and electromagnetic fields. Close to the event horizon of the black hole, magnetic and electric lines of force become distorted and dragged even in a purely electro-vacuum system. Moreover, as the plasma effects inevitably arise in any astrophysically realistic environment, particles of different electric charges can separate from each other, become accelerated away from the black hole or accreted onto it, and contribute to the net electric charge of the black hole. From the point of principle, the case of super-strong magnetic fields is of particular interest, as the electromagnetic field can act as a source of gravity and influence spacetime geometry. In a brief celebratory note, we revisit aspects of rotation and charge within the framework of exact (asymptotically non-flat) solutions of mutually coupled Einstein–Maxwell equations that describe magnetized, rotating black holes.
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We find accurate quasinormal frequencies of a quantum corrected black hole constructed in the renormalization group theory via the coordinate-independent iterative procedure, leading to the Dymnikova regular black hole. We show that while the fundamental mode is only slightly affected by the quantum correction, the overtones change at a much stronger rate. This outburst of overtones occurs because of the deformation of the geometry of the Schwarzschild black hole solely near the event horizon. For finding accurate values of overtones we developed a general procedure allowing one to use the Leaver method to metrics which, initially, are not expressed in terms of rational functions.
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Our analysis focus on the dragging effects on the accretion flows and jet emission in Kerr super-spinars. These attractors are characterized by peculiar accretion structures as double tori, or special dragged tori in the ergoregion, produced by the balance of the hydrodynamic and centrifugal forces and also effects of super-spinars repulsive gravity. We investigate the accretion flows, constituted by particles and photons, from toroids orbiting a central Kerr super-spinar. As results of our analysis, in both accretion and jet flows, properties characterizing these geometries, that constitute possible strong observational signatures or these attractors, are highlighted. We found that the flow is characterized by closed surfaces, defining inversion coronas (spherical shell), with null the particles flow toroidal velocity (uϕ=0 ) embedding the central singularity. We proved that this region distinguishes proto-jets and accretion driven flows, co-rotating and counter-rotating flows. Therefore in both cases the flow carries information about the accretion structures around the central attractor, demonstrating that inversion points can constitute an observational aspect capable of distinguishing the super-spinars.
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Non-ideal fluids are generally subject to the occurrence of non-isotropic pressure tensors, whose determination is fundamental in order to characterize their dynamical and thermodynamical properties. This requires the implementation of theoretical frameworks provided by appropriate microscopic and statistical kinetic approaches in terms of which continuum fluid fields are obtained. In this paper, the case of non-relativistic magnetized fluids forming equilibrium toroidal structures in external gravitational fields is considered. Analytical solutions for the kinetic distribution function are explicitly constructed, to be represented by a Chapman-Enskog expansion around a Maxwellian equilibrium. In this way, different physical mechanisms responsible for the generation of non-isotropic pressures are identified and proved to be associated with the kinetic constraints imposed on single and collective particle dynamics by phase-space symmetries and magnetic field. As a major outcome, the validity of a polytropic representation for the kinetic pressure tensors corresponding to each source of anisotropy is established, whereby directional pressures exhibit a specific power-law functional dependence on fluid density. The astrophysical relevance of the solution for the understanding of fluid plasma properties in accretion-disk environments is discussed.
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In this paper, we present a study of basic classes of stationary observers orbiting in stationary and axially symmetric Kerr-de Sitter spacetimes. Along with proper definitions of these classes, we focus on their possible matching on particular circular orbits. Especially, we determine a number of such orbits in a given spacetime characterized by its rotational and cosmological parameters that leads to a comprehensive classification of the Kerr-de Sitter spacetimes. Studied profiles of orbital velocities of the observers and of forces keeping them on their orbits directly reflect complex structure of the Kerr-de Sitter spacetimes that is caused by a unique interplay of attraction and rotation of a central object and an ambient cosmic repulsion.
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