Publication date: Jun 2013
The multi-resonance orbital model of high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (HF QPOs) enables precise determination of the black hole dimensionless spin a if observed set of oscillations demonstrates three (or more) commensurable frequencies. The black hole spin a is related to the frequency ratio only, while its mass M is related to the frequency magnitude. The model is applied to the triple frequency set of HF QPOs observed in Sgr A* source with frequency ratio 3:2:1. Acceptable versions of the multi-resonance model are determined by the restrictions on the Sgr A* supermassive black hole mass. The version of strong resonances related to the black hole „magic“ spin a=0.983 is acceptable but the version demonstrating the best agreement with the mass restrictions predicts spin a=0.980.
Kotrlová, A.; Stuchlík, Z.; Török, G.;