Publication date: Sep 2013
The proof of existence of Vlasov-Maxwell equilibria which do not exhibit
a functional dependence in terms of the single-particle energy is
established. The theory deals with the kinetic treatment of multispecies
axisymmetric magnetized plasmas, with particular reference to plasma
systems which are slowly time varying. Aside from collisionless
laboratory plasmas, the theory concerns important aspects of
astrophysical scenarios, such as accretion-disk and coronal plasmas
arising in the gravitational field of compact objects. Qualitative
properties of the solution are investigated by making use of a
perturbative kinetic theory. These concern the realization of the
equilibrium kinetic distribution functions in terms of generalized
Gaussian distributions and the constraints imposed by the Maxwell
equations. These equilibria are shown to be generally non-neutral and
characterized by the absence of the Debye screening effect. As a further
application, the stability properties of these equilibria with respect
to axisymmetric electromagnetic perturbations are addressed. This
permits us to establish absolute stability criteria holding in such a
Cremaschini, Claudio; Stuchlík, Zdeněk; Tessarotto, Massimo;