Publication date: Oct 2010
We study the motion of charged test particles around a Kerr black hole
immersed in the asymptotically uniform magnetic field, concluding that
off-equatorial stable orbits are allowed in this system. Being
interested in dynamical properties of these astrophysically relevant
orbits we employ rather novel approach based on the analysis of
recurrences of the system to the vicinity of its previous states. We use
recurrence plots (RPs) as a tool to visualize recurrences of the
trajectory in the phase space. Construction of RPs is simple and
straightforward regardless of the dimension of the phase space, which is
a major advantage of this approach when compared to the „traditional“
methods of the numerical analysis of dynamical systems (for instance the
visual survey of Poincaré surfaces of section, evaluation of the
Lyapunov spectra etc.). We show that RPs and their quantitative measures
(obtained from recurrence quantification analysis-RQA) are powerful
tools to detect dynamical regime of motion (regular vs. chaotic) and
precisely locate the transitions between these regimes.
Kopáček, Ondřej; Kovář, Jiří; Karas, Vladimír; Stuchlík, Zdeněk;